Overland Journeys: West Africa Overland

The tiny country of Togo lies between Ghana and Benin and is a fascinating destination to explore voodoo culture and traditional tribal groups. In the coastal towns and cities, evidence of Togo's colonial past lies side by side with its contemporay culture, including voodoo shrines and the famous fetish markets of the capital Lome. In the northern part of the country, various ethnic groups still practise traditional rituals and live in mud tower houses while the mountains and forests of Kloto offer spectacular natural scenery. Explore in depth highlights of Togo.

Travel Information for Togo
Time zone:GMT 0 (Greenwich mean time) Daylight savings:    None
Main languages:French
Other languages:Dagomba, Ewe, Kabye, Mina
Currency: Communaute Financiere Africaine francs (XOF)

1 = CAF655, $1 = CAF0.00, £1 = CAF781

(rates as of Sep 2016)

Internet Domain:.tgInternational Dialling Code:    228

For help planning your trip to Togo including visas, vaccinations, currency exchange, flights, accomodation and insurance, see our Togo trip planning page.

Further information on Togo

Discover more about Togo - the country's geogrpahy and natural features, an assessment of its status on freedom and rights and data on the country's population and economy.

Geography & Natural Features

Map of togo

Total area: 56,785 sq km (2,400 sq km under water)

Coastline: 56 km (Gulf of Guinea)

Neighbours (border lengths): Benin (644km), Burkina Faso (126km), Ghana (877km)

Climate: Tropical climate with hot and humid conditions in the south, semi-arid in the north.

Highest mountain: Mont Agou (986m)

Freedom & Rights

Summary status and rankings for Togo from classifications of different organisations measuring political and economic freedom, democracy and civil rights. See more details of these rankings.

Freedom in the WorldPartly Free -
Democracy IndexAuthoritarian regime 129/167
Economic FreedomMostly Unfree 138/179
Press FreedomNoticeable problems 78/179
ILGA LGBT rightsNo rights -
Corruption PerceptionsHigh corruption 126/174
Overall Ranking:    145/195

Other Data & Links

Full name: Togolese Republic     Status: Independent Country

Population: 7,351,374 (rank: 99/196)     Density: 129.4 people/sq km (rank: 65/196)

Ethnic groups: African (37 tribes; largest and most important are Ewe, Mina, and Kabre) 99%, European and Syrian-Lebanese less than 1%

Religions: Christian 29%, Muslim 20%, indigenous beliefs 51%

GDP (PPP): $7.35 billion       GDP per capita: $1,100 (rank: 186/195)

Information derived from the CIA World Factbook. Other country profiles: BBC News.