Overland Journeys: La Ruta Maya, Central America Explorer

Mayan City of CopanRoatan Island

For travellers, Honduras is usually a country briefly visited on journeys through Central America. It has a number of excellent destinations however, most notably in the Mayan ruins at Copan, one of the most important and extensively studied Mayan sites. After exploring the jungle-clad historical ruins, Roatan Island provides a complete contrast - a Caribbean paradise of sandy beaches, tropical waters and some of the best reefs in the world for exploring underwater. Explore in depth highlights of Honduras.

Travel Information for Honduras
Time zone:GMT -6 (Central America time)
Daylight savings:GMT +1hr, begins second Sunday in March; ends first Sunday in November
Main languages:Spanish Other languages:    Amerindian dialects
Currency: lempiras (HNL)

1 = L26.09, $1 = L23.38, £1 = L31.10

(rates as of Sep 2016)

Internet Domain:.hnInternational Dialling Code:    504

For help planning your trip to Honduras including visas, vaccinations, currency exchange, flights, accomodation and insurance, see our Honduras trip planning page.

Further information on Honduras

Discover more about Honduras - the country's geogrpahy and natural features, an assessment of its status on freedom and rights and data on the country's population and economy.

Geography & Natural Features

Map of honduras

Total area: 112,090 sq km (200 sq km under water)

Coastline: 820 km (Caribbean Sea, Pacific Ocean)

Neighbours (border lengths): El Salvador (342km), Guatemala (256km), Nicaragua (922km)

Climate: Sub-tropical climate in lowlands and temperate climate in highlands. Rainy season from May to November that brings threat of hurricanes along Caribbean coast. There are frequent but generally mild earthquakes.

Highest mountain: Cerro Las Minas (2,870m)

Freedom & Rights

Summary status and rankings for Honduras from classifications of different organisations measuring political and economic freedom, democracy and civil rights. See more details of these rankings.

Freedom in the WorldPartly Free -
Democracy IndexHybrid regime 80/167
Economic FreedomMostly Unfree 116/179
Press FreedomDifficult situation 130/179
ILGA LGBT rightsSome rights -
Corruption PerceptionsHigh corruption 126/174
Overall Ranking:    107/195

Other Data & Links

Full name: Republic of Honduras     Status: Independent Country

Population: 8,598,561 (rank: 93/196)     Density: 76.7 people/sq km (rank: 103/196)

Ethnic groups: mestizo (mixed Amerindian and European) 90%, Amerindian 7%, black 2%, white 1%

Religions: Roman Catholic 97%, Protestant 3%

GDP (PPP): $39.23 billion       GDP per capita: $4,800 (rank: 134/195)

Information derived from the CIA World Factbook. Other country profiles: BBC News.