Travel Information for Congo-Brazzaville
Time zone:GMT +1 (West Africa time) Daylight savings:    None
Main languages:French, Lingala, Monokutuba Other languages:    Kikongo
Currency: Cooperation Financiere en Afrique Centrale francs (XAF)

1 = CFA0.00, $1 = CFA587, £1 = CFA781

(rates as of Sep 2016)

Internet Domain:.cgInternational Dialling Code:    242

For help planning your trip to Congo-Brazzaville including visas, vaccinations, currency exchange, flights, accomodation and insurance, see our Congo-Brazzaville trip planning page.

Further information on Congo-Brazzaville

Discover more about Congo-Brazzaville - the country's geogrpahy and natural features, an assessment of its status on freedom and rights and data on the country's population and economy.

Geography & Natural Features

Map of congo-brazzaville

Total area: 342,000 sq km (500 sq km under water)

Coastline: 169 km (Atlantic Ocean)

Neighbours (border lengths): Angola (201km), Cameroon (523km), Central African Republic (467km), Democratic Republic of the Congo (2,410km), Gabon (1,903km)

Climate: Tropical climate with hot and humid conditions. Rainy season is from October to May.

Highest mountain: Mount Berongou (903m)

Freedom & Rights

Summary status and rankings for Congo-Brazzaville from classifications of different organisations measuring political and economic freedom, democracy and civil rights. See more details of these rankings.

Freedom in the WorldNot Free -
Democracy IndexAuthoritarian regime 146/167
Economic FreedomRepressed 170/179
Press FreedomNoticeable problems 105/179
ILGA LGBT rightsLimited rights -
Corruption PerceptionsHigh corruption 152/174
Overall Ranking:    162/195

Other Data & Links

Full name: Republic of the Congo     Status: Independent Country

Population: 4,662,446 (rank: 123/196)     Density: 13.6 people/sq km (rank: 177/196)

Ethnic groups: Kongo 48%, Sangha 20%, M'Bochi 12%, Teke 17%, Europeans and other 3%

Religions: Christian 50%, animist 48%, Muslim 2%

GDP (PPP): $20.26 billion       GDP per capita: $4,800 (rank: 133/195)

Information derived from the CIA World Factbook. Other country profiles: BBC News.