Health information & Vaccination requirements

The information below details which vaccinations are recommended prior to travelling to Malta and other disease risks associated with this country. Please note this information is for reference only and you should seek advice from a medical professional before travelling.

Health information from NaTHNaC:NaTHNaC
Malaria risk:No malaria risk
Other non vaccine-preventable risks:None
Yellow fever certificate requirement:Yes, if coming from countries with risk of transmission
Recommended vaccinations:
CholeraDiphtheriaHepatitis A
Hepatitis BJapanese encephalitisMeningococcal meningitis
Tick-borne encephalitisTyphoid feverYellow fever

Lloyds Pharmacy - Online Doctor provides comprehensive health services to travellers, including travel vaccinations, malaria pills, and jet lag treatments. Order online and and attend a travel clinic at 300 pharmacies throughout the UK.

Visa requirements

Check on visa requirements for travel to Malta - we have teamed up with CIBT, the world's leading visa arrangement company. Armed with their extensive database of visa requirements for every country in the world and the experience of processing over 5 million visas, CIBT can take all the hassle out of the often time-consuming and complicated issue of organising visas. Use the widget to check the requirements for your nationality.

Currency, Foreign Exchange & Money Advice

The currency used in Malta is euros (EUR). The current exchange rates for euros are $1 = 0.89, €1 = 1, £1 = 1.19.

Foreign Currency - Cash
While ATMs have become commonplace throughout the world in recent years, it's not always wise to rely on them while travelling. In remote places and developing countries, they may be unavailable or incompatible with your bank card. Purchasing cash before you travel also allows to you avoid costly ATM bank fees and commission, which can add up to a considerable outlay on your trip. Avoid this expense and inconvenience by purchasing euros in advance of your trip.

  • Travelex offer guaranteed best exchange rates in the UK, with zero commission (minimum £100 order).
  • These exchange rates are of vastly better value than those available at airports before departure.
  • Your currency can be collected with free pickup at a wide range of Travelex shops in airports, ports and city centres.

Foreign Currency - Cards
For extra convenience and security, prepaid travel cards are ideal.

  • You can pre-load your card with your currency of choice and the amount you want, which can be easily topped up.
  • They can be used at any Mastercard-enabled ATM or shop, with no fee for standard usage.
  • With chip and pin technology (and no link to your own bank account), they offer complete security.
  • We recommend prepaid cards from Travelex.

For more information on euros, including other exchange rates, denominations and cut-out exchange rate pocket charts, see the euros currency page.

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