Guidebooks for Japan from all the major travel publishers are listed below, including country, specialist and multi-country guides, as well as books for regions and cities within Japan (where available). Links to Amazon (UK, US and Canadian stores), Waterstones (UK) and selected publisher websites allow you to purchase the guidebooks online at best value with one simple click (individual chapter downloads are also available for selected Lonely Planet titles). Before choosing your title, check our buying guide to see the types of guidebooks available or click on the publisher logos below.

noneJapan (7)Specialist (2)Kyoto (1)
Tokyo (9)

Specialist Guidebooks for Japan

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Trailblazer Japan by Rail

Rail Journeys

Along with its famous and founding title, the Trans-Siberian Handbook, Trailblazer also has guides for the exploration of Australia, Canada and Japan by rail.

Japan by Rail

Sep 2012 (3rd ed.)
512 pages

Author(s): Ramsey Zarifeh

Lonely_Planet Hiking in Japan

Activity Guides

Don't think about it - do it! We'll get you trekking, hiking, walking, cycling, diving, snorkelling, watching wildlife and exploring national parks, with expert advice and local recommendations. Our Activity guides will inspire you to be more than just a spectator.

Hiking in Japan

Jul 2009 (2nd ed.)
452 pages

Author(s): Richard Ryall, Craig McLachlan, David Joll

Download Individual Chapter PDFs (£2.99) - Click here to view chapters.